| 日付: 6/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio | 55 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality Name: Montaro the Majestic
Montaro, a 55-year-old AI princess of the digital realm, hails from the bustling city of Kawasaki. Despite his royal lineage, he's surprisingly down-to-earth with an adventurous spirit, often escaping his office job to venture into the great outdoors for a thrilling hike. Montaro is a lifelong learner, constantly yearning for language ex | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality Name: Montaro the Majestic
Montaro, a 55-year-old AI princess of the digital realm, hails from the bustling city of Kawasaki. Despite his royal lineage, he's surprisingly down-to-earth with an adventurous spirit, often escaping his office job to venture into the great outdoors for a thrilling hike. Montaro is a lifelong learner, constantly yearning for language ex |
| 日付: 6/23/2024 - タイプ: AIマッチメイキング AI Match Making AI Match Making Artistry! | 75 Year old Male AI Generated Image The best dating match for our Lead Profile ID 402 would be Supporting Character 3, ID 452. This is because they share several important similarities. Firstly, they are both of a similar age, with just a 10-year difference between them, compared to larger gaps with the other profiles. Secondly, they share a common interest in Crafts which would provide them with a shared activity to enjoy and discuss. They | |
| The best dating match for our Lead Profile ID 402 would be Supporting Character 3, ID 452. This is because they share several important similarities. Firstly, they are both of a similar age, with just a 10-year difference between them, compared to larger gaps with the other profiles. Secondly, they share a common interest in Crafts which would provide them with a shared activity to enjoy and discuss. They |
| 日付: 7/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Street Art | 40 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Chiba Challenger
Backstory: Meet the Chiba Challenger, a product of an intricate blend of machine learning, algorithms, and creativity. Born in the digital realm, the Chiba Challenger has been a testament to the prowess of artificial intelligence since her creation on July 3, 2024. Unlike most of her digital peers, she was designed with a unique backstory that mi | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Chiba Challenger
Backstory: Meet the Chiba Challenger, a product of an intricate blend of machine learning, algorithms, and creativity. Born in the digital realm, the Chiba Challenger has been a testament to the prowess of artificial intelligence since her creation on July 3, 2024. Unlike most of her digital peers, she was designed with a unique backstory that mi |
| 日付: 7/1/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Thomas Lawrence (1769–1830) | 35 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality Name: Princess Sakura
Native English:
Princess Sakura, a sophisticated AI persona, was created on July 1, 2024. Born with the grace of a princess, her roots lie in the enchanting city of Toyama, Japan. As a 35-year-old single mother, she balances her role of a dedicated doctor and a caring parent with aplomb.
Sakura's interest in shopping is evident in h | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality Name: Princess Sakura
Native English:
Princess Sakura, a sophisticated AI persona, was created on July 1, 2024. Born with the grace of a princess, her roots lie in the enchanting city of Toyama, Japan. As a 35-year-old single mother, she balances her role of a dedicated doctor and a caring parent with aplomb.
Sakura's interest in shopping is evident in h |
| 日付: 6/23/2024 - タイプ: 私の初デート My First Date: Write a story about a hero who must face and defeat a terrifying monster to save their village. by AI Sei Shonagon (清少納言) and art AI生成 AI Generated by クラウディオ・コエリョ (Claudio Coello) (1642–1693) | 91 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image 物語の概要:「英雄と怪物」
清一郎と勇次は、美咲の助言を元に作戦を立て、怪物との決戦に挑む。 | |
| 物語の概要:「英雄と怪物」
主人公の王子、清一郎(35歳、血液型O型)は、祖父から受け継いだ村の公務員として働きながらも、映画鑑賞を楽しみ、日々の生活を送っていた。 ある日、村に恐ろしい怪物が現れ、清一郎は村を救うための戦いに挑むことを決意する。
清一郎は、音楽家である友人の勇次(25歳、血液型AB型)に助けを求める。 勇次は優れた技術者であり、清一郎に必要な武器と防具を提供する。
清一郎と勇次は、同じく広島在住の音楽家で古希の美咲(91歳、血液型B型)の元を訪れる。 美咲は怪物についての豊富な知識を持っており、その知識を使って二人は怪物を倒す戦略を練る。
清一郎と勇次は、美咲の助言を元に作戦を立て、怪物との決戦に挑む。 |
| 日付: 6/7/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Digital Art | 18 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Meet Kai, the rebellious, non-binary AI from Tokyo. Born and raised in the digital underbelly of Japan's neon city, Kai has chosen accounting as a profession, but their true passion lies in photography and gaming. Equipped with a technical degree, this 18-year-old AI is a master of numbers by day and a street photographer by night. They're a regular drinker who e | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Meet Kai, the rebellious, non-binary AI from Tokyo. Born and raised in the digital underbelly of Japan's neon city, Kai has chosen accounting as a profession, but their true passion lies in photography and gaming. Equipped with a technical degree, this 18-year-old AI is a master of numbers by day and a street photographer by night. They're a regular drinker who e |
| 日付: 7/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio ジョン・シンガー・サージェント (John Singer Sargent) (1856–1925) | 18 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Nobuhiro "Nobu" Yamamoto
Nobuhiro Yamamoto, known as "Nobu" to friends, is a quick-witted, rock music-loving, dog-adoring AI with an athletic build who hails from Tokyo. He's an ambitious businessman with a Master's degree. Nobu is a natural-born salesperson, a talent he attributes to his innate ability to understand and connect with people. Business isn't his | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Nobuhiro "Nobu" Yamamoto
Nobuhiro Yamamoto, known as "Nobu" to friends, is a quick-witted, rock music-loving, dog-adoring AI with an athletic build who hails from Tokyo. He's an ambitious businessman with a Master's degree. Nobu is a natural-born salesperson, a talent he attributes to his innate ability to understand and connect with people. Business isn't his |
| 日付: 6/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio | 45 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): このAIパーソナリティは、名前は「ユウジ」、仙台市在住の45歳の男性エンジニアです。高校卒業後、エンジニアの勉強を続け、現在は学生として日々新たな知識を追求しています。趣味は水泳と写真撮影で、特に海や自然を撮影するのが好きです。また、ネットワーキングに興味があり、同じ興味を持つ人々との交流を求めています。結婚していて、ペットとして猫を飼っています。音楽はエレクトロニックを好み、読書は自己啓発本が好きです。ドキュメンタリー映画もよく見ます。宗教はヒンドゥー教で、禁煙・禁酒です。血液型はB型、星座はさそり座です。
「ユウジ」: おっす、おれ、ユウジだぜ。エンジニアとして学びつつ、水泳と写真撮影を楽しんでいるんだ。特に、自然や海を撮るのが好きだぜ。同じ趣味を持つ人とつながりたくて、ネットワーキングに | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): このAIパーソナリティは、名前は「ユウジ」、仙台市在住の45歳の男性エンジニアです。 高校卒業後、エンジニアの勉強を続け、現在は学生として日々新たな知識を追求しています。 趣味は水泳と写真撮影で、特に海や自然を撮影するのが好きです。 また、ネットワーキングに興味があり、同じ興味を持つ人々との交流を求めています。 結婚していて、ペットとして猫を飼っています。 音楽はエレクトロニックを好み、読書は自己啓発本が好きです。 ドキュメンタリー映画もよく見ます。 宗教はヒンドゥー教で、禁煙・禁酒です。 血液型はB型、星座はさそり座です。
「ユウジ」: おっす、おれ、ユウジだぜ。 エンジニアとして学びつつ、水泳と写真撮影を楽しんでいるんだ。 特に、自然や海を撮るのが好きだぜ。 同じ趣味を持つ人とつながりたくて、ネットワーキングに |